Spelling Words: ongoing

Spelling Words

5MH "Ongoing Spelling List" - updated as of 3/24/25

Students must study all of the ongoing words below for each weekly test on Friday. The bold and underlined words are the types of words highlighted during that week's topic during word study. Five additional words are added to the ongoing list during each weekly unit. These words represent the new rule we are learning in class or some new content words. If you study each week, this task should NOT be overwhelming. At the end of the year students are to know how to spell all of the words, with ease, on this ongoing spelling list. In addition to our weekly spelling tests, we have a midyear check to see how well students are studying the ongoing list, as well as an end-of-the-year assessment that will be placed in each student's Portfolio. Each week for our spelling tests, students are asked the five words for THAT week, and ANY FIVE ADDITIONAL WORDS from any past weeks for a total of ten words total. Basically, study your weekly words!!! Ms. H. :)

Additional websites to work on spelling or gain a challenge:  

*To practice words, try:      




1.) http://www.time4learning.com/SpellingWords/4th-grade-spelling-words.shtml

2.) http://www.time4learning.com/SpellingWords/5th-grade-spelling-words.shtml

3.) 37 Most common phonograms: http://www.wellesley.k12.ma.us/district/language-arts/pages/thirty-seven-most-common-phonograms

4.) Dictionary.com for definitions, synonyms and antonyms:
