I.M. Pei links

I.M. Pei Links

I.M. Pei: "A Design for the East Building" presents drawings by the architects

I.M. Pei and his design team for the National Gallery's East Building which

opened to the public in 1978. (NGA)


I.M. Pei's Architectural Wonders: The great buildings of I.M. Pei.


Ieoh Ming Pei: Photo Gallery


Pictures and Works: 838 pictures of I.M. Pei and his architectural works.


Pei, Cobb, Freed and Partners: I.M. Pei and his architectural partners. Listed

on this website are some buildings he is famous for designing, along with some

pictures of those buildings.


"For I.M. Pei, History is Still Happening". A New York Times article focusing

on Pei (at 90 years old) and his work, particularly his recent Islamic

Architecture/Art building.
