Feb. 22 Week

Post date: Feb 23, 2016 3:21:53 PM

CE.C&G.4.2 Explain how the development of America’s national identity derived from principles in the Declaration of Independence, US Constitution and Bill of Rights

CE.C&G.1.5 Evaluate the fundamental principles of American politics in terms of the extent to which they have been used effectively to maintain constitutional democracy in the United States

CE.C&G.2.1 Analyze the structures of national, state and local governments in terms of ways they are organized to maintain order, security, welfare of the public and the protection of citizens

CE.C&G.5.1 Analyze the election process at the national, state and local levels in terms of the checks and balances provided by qualifications and procedures for voting

CE.C&G.3.2 Compare lawmaking processes of federal,state and local governments (e.g., committee system,legislative process, bills, laws, veto, Filibuster, Cloture,Proposition, etc.).

CE.C&G.3.3 Analyze laws and policies in terms of theirintended purposes, who has authority to create them andhow they are enforced

CE.C&G.5.4 Explain how conflict between constitutional provisions and the requirements of foreign

policy are resolved

Mon, Feb. 22

Executive Intro and Trivia

SC Nomination Seminar

Finish Stackhouse Filibuster

Tues, Feb. 23

Voting Rights Legislation video clip

Review Lawmaking process

Lawmaking Simulation

Introduce Letter to Legislator Activity

Wed, Feb. 24

Local, State, or National?

Finish Lawmaking Simulation

Legislative-Executive branches: Checks and Balances

Thurs, Feb. 25

Executive Staff responsibilities

NC Constitution activity

Fri, Feb. 26

Intro to Supreme Court

Review Segregation Cases

Local Government: Wake County School Board clip

Mon, Feb. 29

Quiz Chp. 8

redistricting controversy update

SC Cases on Executive powers

Tues, March 1--Meet in the Commons Area!

Wed, March 2

Test on Unit 3: Chp. 6-9

(Study guide available in the Unit 3 folder)

Due Soon:

Chp. 7 Quiz on Tues, Feb. 23

Letter Rough Draft due Wed, Feb. 24

Chp. 8 Quiz on Mon, Feb. 29

Final Legislator Letter--Typed and printed due Tues, March 1

Test Unit 3: Chp. 6-8 on Wed, March 2