Agenda Week of March 2

Post date: Mar 2, 2016 1:30:00 PM

CE.C&G.1.5 Evaluate the fundamental principles of American politics in terms of the extent to which they have been used effectively to maintain constitutional democracy in the United States

CE.C&G.2.1 Analyze the structures of national, state and local governments in terms of ways they are organized to maintain order, security, welfare of the public and the protection of citizens

CE.C&G.5.1 Analyze the election process at the national, state and local levels in terms of the checks and balances provided by qualifications and procedures for voting

CE.C&G.3.2 Compare lawmaking processes of federal,state and local governments (e.g., committee system,legislative process, bills, laws, veto, Filibuster, Cloture,Proposition, etc.).

CE.C&G.5.4 Explain how conflict between constitutional provisions and the requirements of foreign policy are resolved

Thurs, March 3

Super Tuesday aftermath and reflection

Intro to Political Parties

Fri, March 4

Election Update

Nixon, War Powers, Electoral College, and Japanese Internment

Mon, March 7

Guest speaker

Tues, March 8

Intro to Election Project

Personal Ballot Analysis

Campaign commercials of yesteryear

Wed, March 9

Financial Literacy Simulation

Thurs, March 10

Mini-Project 1--Create a Platform

SC Cases and the Executive Branch--Nixon, Endo, Korematsu,

Parties and Election Process

Fri, March 11

Mini-Project 3--Begin Commercial brainstorming

SC Cases on Elections: Citizens United, Bush v. Gore

Due Soon:

Chp. 9 Quiz on March 8

Chp. 10 Quiz on March 11