Deutsch 1 - 2022

Willkommen in der Deutsch 1 Klasse, Herbst 2022

class rules in an online and an "in person - classroom"

  • be on time

  • respect yourself

  • respect others

  • pay attention, participate, make mistakes, ask questions, speak German

  • show yourself on camera (when online)

What will we study these coming 5 months?

1. We want to be able to engage in small conversations on the topics family, school, city, travel, hobbies...

2. We need to understand the structure of the german language and compare it to English. German focuses a lot on the position of the verb. Understanding this and using it correctly will lead a long way.

3. We want to increase our treasure chest of vocabulary. Use your vocabulary daily (at school, at home), add your own vocabulary to the vocabulary you learn in school.

4. we want to experience Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the three main German speaking countries. You should already know where to find those countries on the map. Know their capitals and some facts about these countries.

5. We will accompany Nico, a young man from Spain, on his adventures in Germany while learning the language. Watch these shows not just in school. Review them at home, engage in the activities.

6. Get a duolingo account and use this tool on your own studies. It works!

7. Familiarize yourself with Quizlet. That's where I post vocabulary - ideally, you will create your own account!

Focus German 1: Verben/verbs!!! These will be updated weekly. Study this Quizlet constantly!

Language Department Grading Policy

Grades will be updated frequently in PowerSchool. Interim reports will go home every 4-5 weeks.

Academic/Honors Grading Categories

Note: No assignment in any of these categories can be counted more than once.

  • Formal Summative Assessments (Major)

  • Weighted no more than 35%

  • Examples: unit tests, papers, labs, projects, presentations

  • Assessments (Minor)

  • Weighted no more than 30% .

  • Examples: quizzes, checkpoints, short/small projects, or presentations.

  • Classwork

  • Weighted no more than 25%

  • Examples: exit tickets, bellringer, group work.

  • Homework

  • Weighted no more than 10%.

Missed Assignments/Late Work

  • Teachers in each content area PLT will accept missed/overdue work for two weeks after the due date.

  • Teachers do not have to accept late work after one week prior to the end of the grading period.

  • A minimum grade of 60% can be earned for late work. All work needs to be completed as specified by the teacher.

  • If a student misses an assignment/assessment due to absence (excused or unexcused) the student is responsible for finding out what assignments are due and completing them within the specified time period.

  • Each content area will have the late/missing work policy in the course syllabus to discuss with students.

Grade Recovery

  • For assessment retakes or alternative assignments, students will receive a minimum of an average of the two scores, not to exceed 70%.

  • The course recovery policy will be recorded in the course syllabus and discussed with students.

  • Teachers are not required to accept recovery work after one week prior to the end of the grading period.


Since every student has a device on hand, cell phone should remain in backpack. Earbuds should also remain in backpack unless needed for listening assignments.

  • At HOME

  • - study vocabulary (especially verbs)

  • - create your own Quizlet account and use it for studying

  • - watch German movies/shows on Netflix (Downfall, Look who is back, Dark, Biohackers, Babylon Berlin, Barbarians), find complete movies on Youtube... (a great classic: "Die Feuerzangenbowle")

  • Communication: email (, I also use Talking Points - good way for quick info

  • Parents: please send me an email that will tell me that you have read and understood these rules. Sending me your email will then enable me to contact you whenever needed. You can also leave your phone number in that email.

  • Email to teacher: a 100 for homework credit!

  • In general, please, feel free to contact me as soon as you feel the need to do so!