6th Grade S.S.

6th Grade Social Studies - Ancient Civilizations

Week of Dec. 9th:

Study for Chapter 5 test Ancient Egypt on Wed. Dec. 11

Week of Nov. 25

Monday:   Pharaoh project assigned. Due Thursday Dec. 5 See instruction sheet

Week of 11-18-24 P. 119 Answer questions 4,5, and 7 in complete sentences on looseleaf paper. Use link to online textbook found in Google Classroom

Week of 11-11-24  Ancient Egypt

6-A Cornell notes about Pyramids, follow the study guide for chapter 5 List info about pyramids...all bullet points about pyramids

Google Classroom 3 Kingdoms Article and activity due 11-14

Week of 9-3-24       Classroom Artifacts dig and writing prompt due Wednesday

      Timeline Activity due Friday