Mr. Granger
8th English
ance/ence Vocabulary unit: changing days- will be handed out on Wednesday the 19th, activity due Monday the 24th, quiz on Tuesday the 25th
We will review our verb unit and test on Thursday
8th Literature
School Lunch Article of the Week, summary due Thursday, quiz on Thursday
This week, we will continue reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Students have been given a study guide, but it is not homework. It is merely a tool to help them check their own understanding. Completion is optional.
6th English
bi Vocab Unit- quiz on Thursday
We will continue working on our Pronouns unit, testing either Wednesday or Thursday
6th Literature
School Lunch Article of the Week, summary due Thursday, quiz on Thursday
We will practice a variety of skills with informational text this week. Students will cover articles on pet adoption and retail security. They will be given tasks that involve finding details in text and finding evidence for claims.