Mr. Granger
8th English
We will continue working on our compare/contrast essay. Students should have their first draft completed and peer edited by the end of class on Monday, 3/17.
We have changed the typical dates for our vocabulary units. Students now receive words on Wednesday, the activity is due on Monday, and the quiz is on Tuesday.
8th Literature
Instead of the usual AoW, this week we will be looking at three different articles on the same topic, pennies, and identifying factual statements, speculative statements, and opinion statements.
This week, we will continue reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Students have been given a study guide, but it is not homework. It is merely a tool to help them check their own understanding. Completion is optional.
6th English
We will continue working on our research project. This week, students should finish the rough draft of at least their first category. For most students, this will be the "What is it?" category.
We will not start a new vocabulary unit before spring break.
6th Literature
No AoW this week. Instead, we will be covering a pair of articles together as a group.
We will review our articles about the women portrayed in Hidden Figures and compare their description in the articles to their portrayal in the movie.