

Google Apps for Education is used for email messaging and collaboration between students and staff at SDW.

Not finding what you need?

There is more information on the Google Apps for Students site

The necessary forms for student use can be found here


Staff and students can login using the regular gmail login page

These pages do not require the user to provide the full email address only the username.

Program Information:

The SDW Google Apps Information Site has information about the program.

Exporting Data from Google:

If you are leaving the district (graduating, moving to a new school district, etc.), we encourage you to take your Google data with you.

This process will need to be managed by each individual user while your district provided Google account is still active. The account will be eventually suspended and deleted.

Google Transfer:

Google now allows you to "transfer" the files you own to a personal Gmail account. Just a reminder that a personal Gmail Account does not have unlimited data. Your Google apps will be fine as they don't count against your storage, but if you have a large number of other document types in your Google Drive you may not have space for all of them in your personal account.

If you do not already have a personal Gmail account you will need to create that first. This can be done at Then follow the directions at this site to complete the transfer:

Read more about it here:

Exporting Docs (and most types of Google Data):

Use Google Takeout to export ALL of your Docs in whatever format you choose, or just export the ones you want right from your Docs. If you're a staff member and would like to transfer the ownership of all of your Docs to a colleague, please contact with this request.

Your other option (new as of 2018) is to allow Google to do a transfer of your Drive and Gmail files for you. This is achieved by visiting Google Takeout Transfer.

Transferring Site Ownership:

Create a Gmail account and make . Then you'll need to make your new personal account the owner of the site by following the directions below.

To control who can access your site:

    1. Click More Actions in the upper right corner of the page.

    2. Click Manage Site.

    3. Open the Sharing tab, and enter the email addresses for the people with whom you'd like to share your site.

    4. Choose the level of permissions for each person (Owner, Collaborator, Viewer).

    5. Click invite these people.

If you have ever shared a site hosted outside of with your Google Apps account, you'll need to visit to access them. (You may not find it under My Sites when you go to

Exporting Calendars:

Export your calendar data, and import it into your new account (or into iCal, Outlook, etc.)

Email Contacts and Messages:

Let your contacts know your address will no longer work (a vacation responder, available in settings, may help with this). Forward any mail messages you wish to maintain to another email account.

Exporting Contacts:

Export your contacts or use Google Takeout

Google Calendar:

Calendar is used to schedule appointments, maintain a personal, professional, classroom, or building calendar, or to organize group work. For users who would like help with Calendar, here is a helpful guide: