Polar Activity Watches

Throughout the year, ALL 3rd - 5th grade classes will be selected to wear the polar activities watches. When a class is selected, each student wears their watch for 4 days. Students only take their watch off to sleep, bathe or during any activity that requires them to do so. This allows the student to collect as much data throughout the day. After the completion of the 4 days, the physical education teachers will collect the watches.

Polar activity watches track the student's activity levels throughout the day. Students are encouraged to reach a goal of 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Physical activity ranging from Moderate to Vigorous Plus is calculated into the 60-minute goal. Also, the watches track the amount of time the student spends sitting and standing still. Students are able to visually see the amount of time they spend not being active. This challenges them to cut back on the amount of time they spend on sedentary activities such as television, computers and video games. Each watch is programmed specifically with the individual student's information (height and weight) so that all data is accurate.

If you decide you do NOT want your child to receive a watch when his/her class is selected, please fill out the form attached below and return it to Ms. Loguidice or Ms. Donahue.