
To have an active mind, you need an active body.

At the Lowell Elementary School, we are developing a lifetime of activities to improve the physical fitness of the children. The goal of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.

What is a physically literate individual?

One who has...

  • Learned the skills necessary to participate in a variety of physical activities.
  • Knows the implications and the benefits of involvement on carious types of physical activities.
  • Participates regularly in physical activity.
  • Is physically fit.
  • Values physical activity and its contributions to a healthy lifestyle.

By educating, practicing and improving the fitness of our students through various activities, they will be able to use the knowledge they gained to continue to live a healthy, active life outside of school. These life skills will help prevent future health problems as they get older.