
The goal of the ELO program is to provide a pathway for students to design their own

meaningful and relevant learning experiences by meeting their diverse learning styles, talents, and interests.

At Winnacunnet we have identified six types of ELOs: Service Aide, Independent Coursework, Career Exploration, Advanced Study, Internship, and Project Based Learning. You can find definitions of each type of ELO in the ABOUT section of this website.

According to recommendations from NH Department of Education each ELO experience should be rigorous and relevant. The following chart illustrates how we have incorporated each of the recommended components into our program:

In addition to the ELO Coordinator and Community Partner, teachers play may an important role in each ELO experience. Teachers working with students on ELOs may experience a significant change in their interactions with the students. Teacher time and effort is spent less on instructing and directing students, and more on coaching, facilitating and mentoring. Fulfilling the role of a teacher in an ELO experience isn't harder than traditional teaching – it’s just different.

Watch this 15 minute video, “Students at the Center: Extended Learning Opportunities at Pittsfield Middle High School,” to learn more about ELOs. Pittsfield Middle High School is located about 1/2 hour northeast of Concord, NH.