Independent Coursework

General Description

Independent Coursework is helpful for students who would like to continue to take a repeatable course but cannot fit

the course into their schedule.

For example, a student who wishes to continue to write for Winnachronicle

but is unable to take the course at its scheduled t

ime. This student

could continue to write articles or take photos to be published in


  • Grade Level: 9,10,11and 12
  • Credit: 1-2 Credits per trimester
  • Grading: Pass/Fail using specific course/department competencies
  • Off Campus?: No
  • Attendance Taken?: Depends on situation
  • Title in PowerSchool: ELO: Independent Coursework

Getting Started

Once you've filled out the ELO Request Form and have been approved for Independent Coursework, you will need

to do the following:

  • Meet with the teacher who you are
  • doing the Independent Coursework
  • for and discuss what is expected of
  • you. For example, when will you be
  • working on the Independent
  • Coursework? How often will you meet
  • with your teacher? What is the final outcome?
  • Fill out the ELO Agreement Form
  • and have it signed by:
    • Yourself
    • Parent/Guardian
    • Lead Teacher
    • Guidance Counselor
    • ELO Coordinator

Required Components


Independent coursework requires that you develop a tangible product that demonstrates your learning experience.

You will need to meet with your teacher to review the Product Form that describes, in detail, what your final product will be.

For more information, go to the PRODUCT page of this website.


Throughout your Independent Coursework Experience, you will be assessed on the progress you are making on your final product(s).

Your final assessment grade is based on the Course and Department Competencies of the course you are taking independently.