Project Based Learning

General Description

Project Based Learning, or PBL is a learning experience where the student gains deeper knowledge and broader skills by investigating a topic of their choice. Students actively explore real-world problems and respond to complex questions and challenges. This will often require the student to draw upon previous coursework and apply it in a very practical way to their project. PBL's will usually require a community partner.

  • Grade Level: 11 and 12
  • Credit: 1-2 Credits per trimester
  • Grading: Grade based on specific course/department competencies
  • Off Campus?: Likely Yes, depending on situation
  • Attendance Taken?: Depends on situation
  • Title in PowerSchool: ELO:
  • Department PBL

Getting Started

Once you've filled out the ELO Request Form and have been approved for an Advanced Study, you will need to do the following:

    • This experience may require that
    • you have a Mentor Teacher. The Mentor
    • Teacher and/or ELO Coordinator is who you will meet with regularly to ensure you are meeting your goals and expectations. Your Mentor Teacher will provide guidance and expertise in the subject area of your choosing.
    • Meet with your teacher(s) to fill
    • out your PBL Design Plan.
    • This form gives the specific details
    • of your learning plan including essential questions and benchmarks/activities.
    • Discuss your learning goals and expectations with your teacher(s)
    • and fill out the ELO Agreement Form and have it signed by:
      • Yourself
      • Parent/Guardian
      • Lead Teacher
      • Guidance Counselor
      • ELO Coordinator
      • Department Administrator
      • Grade Level Administrator
      • may be required
    • If necessary, fill out the Off Campus
    • Permission Form and Community Partner Agreement Form and have
    • them signed by a Parent/Guardian.
    • If your PBL includes a one time job shadow that impacts your other classes, you are required to:

Required Components


For your PBL, you will be required to reflect on your experience. Reflection allows you to control your own learning by discussing what you are experiencing with your teacher(s) and making necessary changes to meet your learning goals.

You will need to review the Reflection Form with your Mentor Teacher and/or ELO Coordinator.

For more information, go to the REFLECTION page of this website.


During your PBL research should guide your learning experience.

This can include but not limited to:

  • Online research related to the subject you are focusing on.
  • Print or online resources recommended by your teacher(s)
  • Observations of community partners
  • Feedback from your ELO Partners

You will need to review the Research Form with your Mentor Teacher and/or ELO Coordinator.

For more information, see the RESEARCH page of this website.


A PBL require that you develop a tangible product that demonstrate the application of your knowledge and skills on the subject.

You will need to meet with your Mentor Teacher and/or ELO Coordinator to discuss your final product and review the Product Form.

For more information, go to the PRODUCT page of this website.


Every PBL will require a presentation. The presentation should communicate each component of your PBL as well as how the learning experience has helped your future life and career goals.

You will need to meet with your Mentor Teacher and/or ELO Coordinator to review the Presentation Form.

For more information, to to the PRESENTATION page of this website.


Throughout your PBL experience, you will be assessed on the progress you are making on your:

  • Reflection
  • Research
  • Product
  • Presentation

Your final assessment grade is based on the Course and/or Department Competencies of your subject area.