Service Aide

General Description

Service Aides are learning experiences where students provide assistance to a classroom teacher. Duties can include, but are not limited to:

    • assisting in the classroom
    • technology support
    • creating & maintaining visual classroom displays
    • lesson preparation.

This experience is an especially valuable experience for students interested in a future career in education.

  • Grade Level: 11 and 12
  • Credit: 1 Credit per trimester
  • Grading: Pass/Fail using WHS Learning Expectations
  • Off Campus?: No
  • Attendance Taken?: Yes
  • Title in PowerSchool: ELO: Service Aide

Getting Started

Once you've filled out the ELO Request Form and have been approved for a Service Aide, you will need to do the following:

    • Meet with the teacher you want
    • to be a Service Aide for and
    • discuss their expectations
    • and your responsibilities
    • Fill out the ELO Agreement Form
    • and have it signed by:
      • Yourself
      • Parent/Guardian
      • Service Aide Teacher
      • (Lead Teacher)
      • Guidance Counselor
      • ELO Coordinator

Required Components


As a Service Aide, you will be required to reflect on your experience. Reflection allows you to control your own learning by discussing what you are experiencing with your Service Aide Teacher and making necessary changes to meet your learning goals and expectations.

Please review the Reflection Form with your Service Aide Teacher.

For more information, go to the REFLECTION page of this website.


During your experience as a Service Aide, you will be assessed on the following:

  • Attendance and Punctuality
  • Attitude
  • Initiative
  • Work Habits
  • Reflection

Your final assessment is based on the WHS Learning Expectations Rubric