
Enzo Baccarelli

Full Professor,

PhD, PostDoc

Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (DIET)

Sapienza University of Rome

Via Eudossiana, n° 18, 00184 Rome, RM

Building B, second floor, room n° 201

Faculty of Information Engineering, Informatics and Statistic (I3S)

Tel.: +39 06-44585466 (extension: 2-5466)

Fax: +39 06-44585632

E-mail: enzo.baccarelli@uniroma1.it

Skype address. enzobaccarelli

Enzo Baccarelli received his Master degree (summa cum laude) in Electronic Engineering from the Sapienza University of Rome in 1989, and, then, acquired the PhD degree and post-PhD degree in Information and Communication Engineering in 1993 and 1995, respectively.

He has been appointed as Assistant Professor (1996-1998) and, then, as Associate Professor (1998-2004) at the INFOCOM Department of Sapienza University of Rome. He spent the years 1994 and 1996 as a visiting researcher at the Bell Labs.

Since 2004, he is full professor in Telecommunication Engineering at the DIET Department (formerly, INFOCOM Department) of Sapienza University of Rome. Currently, he is the director of the research activities of the laboratory of Broadband Communication Systems (BroadComLab) at the DIET Department of Sapienza University of Rome. His curriculum vitae and biographical sketch have been reported by European Who's Who and American Contemporary Who's Who 2002/2003. His main research skills and interests span the fields of data communication, broadband networking and design of networked computing platforms, with application to Cloud and Fog computing, vehicular networks, social networks, Internet of Things, and Industry 4.0.