Current opportunities

Open positions in the laboratory: Thank you for your interest!

Rotation projects for PIBS or MSTP students are available throughout the 2022/2023 school year. Contact We anticipate having room for one or more student to join the lab for dissertation studies

Postdoctoral Positions

If you will soon complete your Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Molecular Genetics, or similar field, have a strong record of research accomplishments, and you are genuinely interested in the research in our lab, you are encouraged to apply for a postdoctoral position. Your work will likely be performed in collaboration with the Center for HIV RNA Studies (CRNA), a large multi-disciplinary project team directed by Alice Telesnitsky. To apply, send a cover letter with your CV, including reference names and their contact information, to

Alice Telesnitsky, PhD

Department of Microbiology and Immunology

1150 W. Medical Center Dr. Rm. 5641

University of Michigan Medical School

Ann Arbor MI 48109-0620