realism and methodology

(2022) "The history of future science ," Anderson and Mitchell (eds), Pragmatic Approaches

(2020), "Perturbing Realism," French and Saatsi (eds), Scientific Realism and the Quantum

(2018),"The Ascent of Pessimism," Philosophy of Science 85

(2018). "Getting Real About Quantum Mechanics," in Juha Saatsi (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Scientific Realism.

(2016), "Physics and Method," in Cappelen, Gendler and Hawthorne (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Methodology.

(2015), The Shaky Game +25, Or: On Locavoracity,” Synthese 192.

(2000). “Toward the Pale: Smolin and the Limits of Science,” in Carrier, Massey, and Ruetsche (eds.), Science at the End of the Century: Prospects and Limits of Science.

Evolution Meadow, King's Canyon National Park--a non-fundamental entity of interest only to geographers and stamp collectors.