Evolution, Climate Change and Infectious Disease

a joint symposium of MAC-EPID & ITiMS

November 11, 2022

In person only

Rackham Amphitheatre (4th floor)

To prevent the spread of COVID-19 masks are encouraged

ResponsiBLUE status will be checked upon arrival


9:00 AM - Sign In and light refreshments

Please pick up your nametag when you arrive and then enjoy light refreshments in the Assembly Hall before the talks begin. Please remember there is no food or drink allowed in the Amphitheatre.

9:30 AM - Opening Remarks

Betsy Foxman, PhD (Hunein F. and Hilda Maassab Endowed Professor of Epidemiology and Director of the Center for Molecular and Clinical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (MAC-EPID), Co-Director of the Integrated Training program in Microbial Systems (ITiMS))

9:45 AM - "From microbes to mountains, understanding ecosystems in a global change context"

Aimée Classen

(Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Director of the Biological Station, University of Michigan)

Introduced by Jinny Yang

How much carbon will terrestrial ecosystems hold or flux back to the atmosphere in the future? This question underlies the work conducted in the Classen lab. The tiny organisms in ecosystems — from microbes to insects — decompose substrates, consume one another and associate/ infect plants to alter plant production, nutrient acquisition/mineralization and carbon feedbacks. These interactions, pivotal to the carbon cycle, vary with season and ecosystem type and are shaped by climate change. Classen’s talk will explore how little organisms, and their interactions, punch above their weight to impact how ecosystems respond to climate change.

10:45 AM - Break with snacks

11:15 AM - "Antibiotics in a warming world"

Pamela Yeh

(Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA)

Introduced by Mukai Wang

12:15 PM - Luncheon

We try to be inclusive with our complimentary lunch but if you have dietary restrictions, please plan to bring your own food.

Our vegetarian lunch buffet is catered by Zamaan Cafe.

1:30 PM - "Environmental determinants of antibiotic resistance in semi-rural Ecuadorian children"

Jay Graham

(Assistant Professor, Environmental Health Sciences, University of California, Berkeley)

Introduced by Stephen Vear

2:30 PM - Coffee Hour

We are proud that since our beginning in 2003, MAC-EPID symposia have been free and open to all!

Made possible by our student volunteers and our sponsors:

Integrated Training in Microbial Systems (ITiMS), Gudakunst Lectureship, MAC-EPID, Dept of Epidemiology, and Public Health.

MAC-EPID symposia are also supported through donations from people like you.

Thank you!

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