Luminous Star Targets in M33

The following tables give the filters each has been imaged in for each epoch for targets of the highest interest in M33.

If a target you are looking for is not listed here it may still be included on the images we have. Please see the coverage map at each epoch and contact us if you have interest in an M33 target not listed here.

Classical Luminous Blue Variables (LBV)

An evolved post-main sequence supergiant that has been observed in a S Doradus type outburst. In quiescence an LBV may have the following qualities resembling and B or Of-type supergiant:

  • Hydrogen emission.

  • Some have He I emission.

  • Most show Fe II emission with some having [Fe II] emission.

  • Free-free emission in the near-infrared but NO warm dust.

A star that has the spectroscopic characteristics of a classical LBV but has never been observed in an S Doradus type outburst is properly classified as a Candidate LBV.

Here is a link to the page in the catalog listing these targets:

LBV Candidates

Stars with spectral characteristics similar to quiescent LBVs that have never been observed in an S Doradus type outburst.

Here is a link to the page in the catalog listing these targets:

Warm Hypergiants

Evolved supergiants with A to G spectral types that show evidence for high mass loss and/or are very dusty. Some have [Fe II] or [O I] emission in their spectra.

Here is a link to the page in the catalog listing these targets:


Stars with B-type spectra with few absorption lines and emission lines of [O I] and [Fe II] in their spectra. Some also have [Ca II] emission lines. Most show evidence for warm circumstellar dust in their spectra.

Here is a link to the page in the catalog listing these targets: