Coverage of M31 by Epoch

M31 has been imaged by the U42 camera on the 20-inch telescope between July and December every year since 2012. The following images show the coverage in each year/epoch. The green squares bound the area covered by each image and the yellow crosses are the locations of the survey targets.

The image under the overlays is not generated by the survey. It is a color Deep Sky Survey image in the public domain.

DS9 region files are also linked for download those files contain additional information about the area, orientation, filters, and dates of the images taken each year. The text identifying each region in the files contains a six digit date code (yymmdd), the internal code identifying the field center (one or two letters), and then a dash followed by the filter name. For example "120917 a-V" notes an image taken on September 17, 2016 in the V filter for region "a."



M31 Survey Coverage for 2012
Coverage of M31 Survey in 2013

Region File


Region File


Coverage of M31 Survey in 2014
Coverage of M31 Survey in 2015

Region File


Region File


Survey Coverage of M31 for 2016
M31 imaged regions for 2017

Region File

Region File



M31 imaged regions 2018
Images taken in 2019

Region File