Patterns in Whole Numbers

Learning BEDMAS - review this video to help:

Fraction to a Decimal - Dividing with a Decimal

Long Division -Review

Basic Division Video - Review

BEDMAS Order of Operations - Remember MD multiply and Divide can be done in the order it shows up, and the same for add and subtract.

Calculator chaos - Number Game - Great for critical thinking skills & great mental math game.

Divisibility Rules Video Tutorial

What is a prime number?- video tutorial. Please play the games on the side- bar to practice this skill.

What is prime factorization? - video tutorial. Please play the games on the side -bar to practice the skill.

How the divisibility rules can help.

How it can help you with fractions and more...

Factoring numbers and how it can help.

A few multiplication strategies:

Double distributive Property Method -video tutorial

Area model tutorial video

Please watch this video as review, thanks.