2020 Conference

Thanks to all for attending and participating in the 2020 Larock Conference!

Videos of research talks (including keynote and student presentations) are available (link goes to Aggie Video website).

2020 Best Presentation Awards:

Best presentation in Chemical Biology session I was shared by Conan Lee (Atsumi lab), Winnie Chen (Lebrilla lab), and Serena Kutney (Olson lab)

Best presentation in Chemical Biology session II was shared by Shannon Lu (Beal lab), Hiroaki Yamada (Ames lab), and Seona Patel (Olson lab)

Best presentation in Organic/Inorganic was shared by Christopher Lowe (Balch lab) and Teresa Tang (Franz lab)

Best presentation in Physical/Analytical was shared by Hannah Reeves (Wang lab) and Ruimeng Wang (Wang lab)

Read the program.

Date: May 16, 2020

Venue: Geidt Hall, UC Davis

More information: The conference is sponsored by the UC Davis Department of Chemistry and by a generous donation from Prof. Richard Larock (Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University). We also thank Vicki Lohmann from Fisher Scientific for a gift donation.