2013 Conference


Morning Session

A1. Reduction enhanced performance of nanostructured WO3 photoanode for solar energy to fuel conversion

Everardo Olide, Jing Zhao, Frank E. Osterloh

B1. Synthesis of Antimicrobial Compounds to Identify DNA Gyrase Inhibitors in Gram-Negative Bacteria

Molly Fensterwald, Jared Moore, Jared T. Shaw

A2. Splitting Water With Rust: Photocatalytic Water Oxidation with Iron Oxide, for Fuel Generation Purposes

Nicholas K. Brune, Bronwyn L. Harrod, Dr. Frank E. Osterloh

B2. Bond activation using a redox active aluminum complex

Cody R. Carr, Thomas W. Meyers, Louise A. Berben

A3. Structural Determinants for Activation of Bacterial Cell Division Protein FtsZ by PC190723

Conor M. Moldowan, David Anderson, James B. Ames

B3. Unraveling the proteolytic resistance of lactotransferrin in human milk

Andres Guerrero, Sabrina Chee, Carlito Lebrilla

A4. Protein Engineering of Cytochrome P450 PikC and Antibiotic Evolution

Mavish Mahomed, David Goodin

B4. Photovoltaics for in situ measurement of scintillator quality

Chad Sugiyama, Coauthor: Andrew Davidson, Ting Guo

A5. Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Substrate and Inhibitor Binding in CYP-119: a look at generalities in the Cytochrome P450 (CYP) Superfamily

Thomas Bottyan, David B. Goodin

B5. Effect of Ion Modification on the Photocatalytic Water Splitting Activity of Niobate Nanocrystals

Megha Chandrashekhar, Rachel Chamousis and Frank E. Osterloh

A6. Derivation of Zantrin Z3 Towards Antibacterial Efficacy

Francisco J. Sarabia; Terrence E. O'Brien; Jared T. Moore; David E. Anderson, James B. Ames, and Jared T. Shaw

B6. Metabolic Engineering of Cyanobacteria in Diurnal Conditions

Noeli Acoba, Jordan McEwen, Shota Atsumi

A7. Chemical synthesis of L-Iduronic acid: potential donor for enzymatic synthesis of heparin (HP)/heparin sulfate

Timofey Klyuchnik, Xi Chen

B7. NMR Monitoring of Catalysis for the Transesterification of Oils to Biodiesel

Kate A. Gibson, Lisa A. Anderson, and Dr. Annaliese K. Franz

A8. NMR Structural Studies of a GCAP1 Mutant (V77E) in a Ca2+-free Activator State

Mitchel Davis, Chris Lim, and James B. Ames

B8. Late-stage modification of 2,6-Bis[(4S)-oxazolin-2-yl]pyridine by N-directed C–H activation

Lisa Gong, Elisa Gutierrez, Annaliese Franz

Afternoon Session

A9. Silver Enhancement and Suppression of Thiol Ligand Release from Gold Silver Alloy Nanoparticles During X-Ray Irradiation

Andrew Davidson, Wendy Forwood, and Ting Guo

B9. Time dependent reactivity with gadolinium EMFs through the addition of a primary amine

Melvin F. Lorenzo, Evan A. Sarina, Brandon Q. Mercado, Alan L. Balch

A10. Characterization of Entamoeba histolytica APS Kinase

Brian K. McGarry, Andrew J. Fisher

B10. Is It Possible to Isolate and Characterize Y3C102?

Sahar Fakhri, Evan Sarina, Alan Balch

A11. A Novel Route Towards Dibenzonapthyridinones

Joung Sen Yang, Teresa Palazzo, Mark Kurth

B11. Peptide Synthesis Using One-Bead One-Compound (OBOC) Combinational Library Method

Lara Anwar, Dr. Ruiwu Liu, Kit Lam

A12. Development and Synthesis of Novel Bisindazole Heterocycles

Woods, Mark; Rodriguez, Kevin; Gottlieb, Kelli; Kurth, Mark

B12. Identification and characterization of fucosyltransferases for the synthesis of tumor associated carbohydrate antigens

Duy Ha, Alice Ngo, Xi Chen

A13. Synthesis of Biotinylated Fluorescent β-glucuronide: A Multifunctional Acceptor for Heparan Sulfate Synthesis

Alex Siu, Musleh Muthana, Timofey Klyuchnik, Xi Chen

B13. 3-Alkoxy-2H-indazoles and 1H-indazolones as A New Class of Myeloperoxidase Inhibitors

Aaron Roth, Sean Ott, Jason Eiserich, Mark Kurth

A14. Synthesis of Silica-Shelled, Iron Doped Silicon Nanoparticles for Biological Imaging

Danielle Carter, Shreyashi Ganguly and Susan M. Kauzlarich

Keynote Address

129Xe NMR for Molecular Imaging: how a chemist uses physics to generate probes in biology

Prof. David Wemmer (University of California, Berkeley)