2019 Conference

The 2019 conference was a great success! Click the group photo below to access the conference photo album (courtesy Dr. Emily Thompson).

2019 Best Presentation Awards: The awards for this year were given in three research categories.

Best presentation in Chemical Biology was shared by Henry Agnew (Larsen group), Rebecca Rafique (Murray group) and Jayashri Viswanathan (Olson group).

Best presentation in Organic/Inorganic was shared by Lauren McNamara (Balch group) and Mira Milic (Franz group).

Best presentation in Physical/Analytical was shared by Brian Yuen (Wang group), Yiyun Liu (Lebrilla group) and Nathan Soland (Osterloh group).

Date: May 18, 2019

Venue: Geidt Hall, UC Davis

The conference is sponsored by the UC Davis Department of Chemistry and by a generous donation from Prof. Richard Larock (Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University). We also thank Vicki Lohmann from Fisher Scientific for a gift donation.