
Linguistic research isn't all collecting and analysing data, writing papers, and teaching. Don't get me wrong - all those things are awesome. But there's sometimes stuff that is more transparently fun (and yet still related to all that academic things). Some of these are my own creation, but most are things I have found. Check it out ...

My own



  • Lexicon Valley: a well-crafted and entertaining look at serious questions of language

  • Grammar Girl (podcast and blog): a wonderful example of prescriptivism done well

  • Lingthusiasm: a podcast about various topics, hosted by two enthusiastic linguists

  • The History of English: a long-running podcast about the history of the English language (starting with Proto-Indo-European)

  • The Vocal Fries: A podcast exploring linguistic discrimination

  • En Clair: A podcast about forensics and linguistics

(Please let me know about others that you have come across.)