Guidelines for Using OneDrive For Teachers

For teachers (Video Tutorial)

Go on the page to log into your OneDrive. Login your Microsoft 365 account. Your account name should be “”. The password is the same as your original password.

  1. Create a new folder to be shared with your students, and use a recognisable name like “2E English”.

2. Click the sharing arrow as shown below.

3. Change access rights so that the students can only view the contents in the folder. Click on the area as shown below. Then choose “People in Jockey Club Ti-I College with the link and uncheck the box “Allow editing”. Finally click “Apply” for confirmation.

4. Enter your student(s)’ email address(es), which can be obtained from the Staff Intranet (Student Data → Class → Email Address Version [Top Right] → Email(S)1). Remember to add 365 after @. For example, if your student’s email address is “”, change it to “”. Click the Send button lastly.

5. Double click to go into the folder. Select from your computer the files/folder you would like to share with your students in the shared OneDrive folder.