Guidelines for Downloading Google Data

How to download your Google data

Important: If you download your Google data, it doesn’t delete it from Google’s servers. Learn how to delete your account or how to delete your activity.

You can export and download your data from the Google products you use, like your:

  • Email

  • Documents

  • Calendar

  • Photos

  • YouTube videos

  • Data about registration and account activity

To keep for your records or use your data in another service, you can create an archive.

Important: If your actions seem risky, in order to protect your account, your actions may be delayed or unavailable.

Tip: If you can't find some of your videos, check if you have a Brand Account. If you have a Brand Account, you may need to switch accounts.

You shall refer to the following link for the detail about selecting data to include in your download archive, customize your archive format and getting your Google data archive.