Guidelines for JCTIC Official Mobile App - GRWTH


Installation Guidelines for Parents

1. 如何下載GRWTH應用程式?

1.How can I install the phone application GRWTH?

iOS (iPhone) 用戶可以按此連結到 App Store 下載及安裝 GRWTH 應用程式。

iOs (IPhone) users can download it in App Store via this link.

Android 用戶可以按此連結到 Google Play Store 下載及安裝 GRWTH 應用程式,亦可以按此連結於 GRWTH 主頁上直接下 載及安裝最新版本 GRWTH 應用程式。

Android users can download it in Google Play Store via this link. You may also click this link to the GRWTH homepage to download and install the app directly.

如未能順利開啟連結,請前往 App Store 或 Google Play Store 搜尋關鍵字 GRWTH,並完成下載及安裝程序。

If you cannot open the link successfully, please go to App Store or Google Play Store and search the keyword ‘GRWTH’, and complete the downloading and installation process.

部分內地牌子 Android 手機並不支援 Google,請直接前往官網 GRWTH.HK 下載 APK 檔安裝 GRWTH APP,詳細步驟請參 考 Android APK 安裝說明

Some Android phones of mainland Chinese brands do not support Google. In that case, please proceed to the official website GRWTH.HK and download the APK file to install the app. You may refer to the installation guide.

2. 在下載GRWTH應用程式後,第一次如何註冊及登入?

2. How do I register and log in for the first time after downloading GRWTH the app?




Please open the application. Click “Register/Login”. Click the “Register” button at the bottom. Next, enter your mobile number and click “Validation Code” to receive it by SMS, then the SMS-activation code and click “Register”. Afterwards, set your password and parent’s user name, and read and accept the terms and conditions.

Finally, select Child Linkage (Bottom left), and key in and confirm your child’s username and password, after which you choose your relationship with the child.

If you wish, you may also view the tutorial video here (only available in Chinese) fo the steps.


3.How do I link up my child after registration?

請點擊「功能表」,點擊「帳號關聯」,然後點擊「關聯子女」共輸入學生帳戶登入名稱和密碼,再作確認 。

Please choose Menu, and click “Linkage”. Afterwards, enter the student’s username and password and confirm them.


4. What if I have more than one child studying here?


If you have more than one child studying in this school, please sign up with the information of one of the children first, and then add the related account information of the other child(ren) in the same account. After logging in, you can switch between the children by clicking the name of your current student account (Top left) on the page of “Today” or “Menu.

5. 主家長和家長有什麼分別?如何切換主家長?

5. What is the difference between the primary parent and other parent(s)? And how do I switch between them?


The primary parent is able to view the school notices, reply slips and instant feed. S/he also has the right to reply to a notice (see below) and delete other accounts linked up with the student. The non-primary parents can only view the notices and instant feed.


To switch the primary parent, select Account Linkage and your child’s name. You can then select another parent/guardian to be primary.

6.我可以將 GRWTH 密碼交予子女嗎?

6. Can I pass my GRWTH password to my child(ren)?

為確保所有通告及訊息由家長簽閱,切勿把 GRWTH 密碼交予子女。

To ensure all notices and messages are read and replied to by you the parent, please do not pass the password to your child(ren).