Have The Sign Gifts Ceased?
Has God's Word Changed? No. So the sign gifts have not ceased.
The following is based on part of a letter I have recently written to a Dispensationalist.
Now there is one thing I must point out regarding the verses you shared about the sign gifts. You argue that the sign gifts (Prophesy, Healing, Miracles, Speaking in Tongues) are no more at all, but as proof you present verses which merely give examples that at some places they will not be. There is a big difference between examples where there were no sign gifts, and saying that there are no sign gifts. Can you see the distinction I’m pointing out?
You said that there is lots of evidence that the sign gifts have been withdrawn. I am pointing out that there is no evidence that they have been withdrawn, only evidence that they are not in existence in every Christian or in every place. There is quite a big difference between the two.
It has been said “If the sign gifts are still in effect why is Luke a Physician?” (implying that doctors would not be needed because God's people would heal everyone) That point is irrelevant because of two things. First, do you remember the condition for the working of the sign gifts? One condition is Faith, or belief. For many the sign gifts are of no use as far as miracles and healings, because they do not believe such a thing is possible. Notice inMatthew 13:58 and Mark 6:5 that Jesus did not do as many miracles and healing because the people did not believe. The modern western man is conditioned to believe that these types of healings and miracles are impossible, and so they greatly are because of his unbelief. Second, not every believer has every gift. Simply because we are a true believer, it is not the will of the Holy Ghost to give each of us every gift (1 Corinthians 12:4-12). Further, when you say that the sign gifts have ceased you are putting together a false (or incomplete) church, because you are cutting off some of its members (1 Corinthians 12:13-31). This is a serious error, and is part of the reason why the church in North America is declining (as it did in Europe), and why it is reportedly growing in Asia, and Africa, and Central America (and maybe South America also?).
I agree completely that there will be (and are) many false prophets (Matthew 24:24, Mark 13:22, 1 John 4:1). I also agree that any prophet who teaches anything contrary to God’s word (the Holy Bible), or who makes predictions that do not come true is a false prophet. But the scriptures are so clear that the gift of prophesy will continue, to believe other wise is in contradiction to the clear word of God. Perhaps it is you who believe false Prophets and their unbiblical teachings? Perhaps the answer to the question “What is a Prophet?” would clarify this issue. A prophet is someone who hears from God and speaks and does what God has told them to say and do. Because the Prophet hears God, they can also have knowledge of things they would normally not have, because God has told them. Thus, this is their means for prophesying the future. By the scriptures we can tell a true prophet from a false prophet. True prophets lead men to repent, to turn from wickedness, and to worship God. True prophets warn of the destruction coming to sinners. There are two ways to know a false prophet as given in Deuteronomy 13:1-5 , Deuteronomy 18:9-22, Matthew 7:15-23, and 1 Corinthians 14:32, 37, 39. First, if they make a prediction which later comes true, but they also lead men away from God and teach them to worship other gods, or if they bare bad fruit, leading men in wicked ways (into sin) they are false prophets. Second, if they make predictions which do not come to pass then they are false prophets. So to be a true prophet they need to do two things 1. They need to speak according to Gods word (not teaching anything unbiblical), and 2. They need to prophesy and there prophesies must never fail to come to pass. (And of course they must have been given the gift to prophecy by the Holy Ghost.)
Some Dispensationalists have professed that "The prophetic time clock has been put on hold, Peter did not know that and was in error when he said that the last days had begun."
To which I respond...
Do you realize that you are calling the Apostle Peter a liar? Peter said that the last days had come (Acts ch. 2) (Also see Hebrews 1:2 and 2 Timothy 3:1). If your theological view leads you to disbelieve the teachings of scripture than your theological view is corrupt and is based upon false teachings. Perhaps you have a different definition of “the last days” than the Bible does, but when discussing Biblical things you should use the same definition the Bible uses.
Also, do you not realize what the Apostle Paul says in the verses below? It sums things up and really cuts right to the point.
If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues. - 1 Corinthians 14:37-39
Interestingly, there is a great similarity between the way God spoke to prophets through the Holy Spirit, and the way he now speaks to believers. Many verses and biblical stories attest to this fact, but one verse in particular that comes to mind is Matthew 5:12. Through the Holy Spirit in us today God communicates things which we could not know without Him, he allows us to know so that we may serve Him better and ultimately bring Glory to His name. Taking the sign gifts out of Christianity is taking the supernatural out of Christianity and turning it into nothing but a belief system. It is a belief system, but it is more, it is also a system of Revelation, Miracles, and Regeneration. For example, many answered prayers are miracles. And for myself I am convinced by the many answers to prayer I have received.