About Us




Dr.Harris Brody, Director.

Dr. Harris Brody is a Licensed Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (GEMA), a Board Certified  Doctor of Traditional Naturopathy (ANMCB/NBNE), a Doctor of Homeopathy, Nutritionist, and a Licensed Skin Care Specialist.

 Dr. Brody's goal is to identify and address the functional imbalances that could create one's health symptoms. He balances the underlying cause through natural means, which includes but not limited to Homeopathy, Naturopathy, nutrition, diet, and bio-energetic means.This allows the body to heal itself.

We are associated with the several holistic Associations such as the American Naturopathic Medical Association (ANMA),the Guardian Ecclesiastical Medical/Holistic Association (GEMA), the American Alternative Medical Association, (AAMA), the Pennsylvania Doctors of Naturopathy , the Society of Complementary Alternative and Holistic Practitioners (SCAHP) and several others.

Our specialties are Lyme disease care, cardiovascular support, Methyl Genetic nutrition, Digestive, Homotoxicology, Naturopathy, Psychosomatic Energetic (PSE), Temperament/Character Assessment,Ayurveda, and Intrinsic Data Field Assessment (IDF).

Dr Brody has a medical background trained in the United Kingdom, but chooses to limit his practice to Holistic Health.

Dr. Joely Mench came from a Nursing background, and decided to pursue her passion which is alternative health. She did a residency in Hawaii focusing on Ayurvedic Medicine, and is currently a Doctor of Naturopathy candidate mentoring under Dr. Brody.  She is currently seeing patients, and supporting her specialties in the practice of the office. 



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