If you break your iphone

Post date: Jan 25, 2009 10:59:5 PM

I broke my 3G iphone a few days after buying it. I dropped it and it smashed. My fault.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, you will likely not get much help from Rogers in this case.

If you go into an Apple Store (conveniently, we have one in Edmonton), they have a replacement policy where you can pay them and give them your broken phone, and they will give you a new one. In my experience, the 8 GB phone costs $250 and the 16 GB is $350. This is not cheap, but far better than having to buy out your contract with Rogers or worse, keep paying for the plan and use some other phone.

At the time when I broke my phone, Rogers did not have a policy in place where you could get a new phone from them without buying out your old contract and starting fresh. This way, at least you can get a new one.

Oh! And check with your credit card that you used to pay for your iphone. Some have special insurance. I have a free, plain-old President's Choice Mastercard. It has purchase protection for 90 days due to accidental damage, etc. So, President's Choice reimbursed me for the $250. Phew!

I am posting this now because I ocassionally get e-mail on this topic and after following up with a few people, it appears that this is the best way to proceed. It's also possible that you might be able to mail off your phone to a third party to get the screen fixed for roughly the same price (or a little less). This was not an option when my phone broke.