How to install sCons on Intel Mac OS 10.4.9

Post date: Feb 29, 2008 4:15:17 AM

How to install sCons on Intel Mac OS 10.4.9

sCons ( is an awesome, cross platform, python based build tool. I am using it for my bt-glue project.

Anyways: installation is quite straightforward. But you need to know 1 key thing! Get the latest build, and NOT the stable build. The stable build is several years old and missing features you want. I promise.

1) Download the latest tarball, unpack it

2) Execute: sudo python install

3) Edit your .profile and update your path to include:


If you don't know what that means, that's ok.

i) Create a file in your home directory called ".profile".

ii) Add a line like this:

export PATH=$PATH:/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/current/bin

iii) Save the file

Now, when you open a new terminal session, you should be able to type: scons -version and have good things happen.

Happy sCons'ing.