Samsung ML-1610 Printer on Mac OS X (Intel Mac)

Post date: Feb 29, 2008 4:19:3 AM

NOTE: Some of the steps in these instructions don't work anymore because the files don't exist. I've updated the instructions to work on Leopard, which you can check out here: Samsung ML-1610 Printer on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (Intel Mac) .

This is a transplant of a blog entry from my old site here:

Samsung ML-1610 Printer on Mac OS X (Intel Mac)

Hi. I have tried so many times to figure out how to get my Samsung ML-1610 printer working on my Intel Mac.

There are many quick explanations on the web of how to do this, but they don't seem to have all of the details... and as a non Unix guru, I've always had trouble making them work.


Ack. I just spent hours trying to actually get this working. I don't know why I try to be so clever. The instructions are posted below. The things is, all of the directions use OLD files, made for powerPC. I'm using a new Intel Mac, so I thought instead of following the direct links from instructions (to old files), I should find the up to date versions. NO LUCK with that.

Moral of the story: don't try to be clever. Here are the directions.

1) Go here:

2) Download and install espgs-7.07.1.ppc.dmg (5.4 MB)

"But Brian" (you say), "that's powerPC! I have an Intel Mac." That's true.

You might also find it interesting to know that ESPGS (ESP Ghost Script) has been replaced by Gutenprint some time ago. It doesn't matter, don't go for Gutenprint. I tried that route, and had no end to my problems. I tried to build it from source and had errors, then installed it from a disk image only for it to 'work' but instead of printing my documents it would just fire up my printer and then not do anything.

Just install the old one from the page.

This worked on OS X 10.4.9 on an brand new Intel Imac on May 5 2007.

If you are more clever than me and got it working with newer software please tell me.

3) Download and install hpijs-foomatic-2.0.2.ppc.dmg (1.6 MB)

Same story, I know, I know, it looks old. It works. Suck it up. :P

4) Go to System Preference --> Print & Fax

5) Click the + button to add a printer

6) Samsung should be in the list now! Thank heavens. But, ML-1610 isn't there! Oh no! Just use ML-1210 Soomatic + GDI. Seems to work fine.

There, all done.

Again, if you have a more up to date method than this, please share it with me. I'm just glad to finally have this working.

Posted by Brian Tanner at 1:55 PM

Labels: "good samaritan", "os x"


Perez said...

G'day Brian,

I tried this on an Intel MacBook purchased on 16 May with OS X 10.4.8. Everything looked groovy but...

even ML-1210 +GDI didn't appear in the list.

I tried selecting other random ML printers in the list with no luck. Do you have any clues?

Should I be running 10.4.9?

In earnest,


May 16, 2007 6:35 PM

Perez said...

Hold it!

I updated to OS X 10.4.9

When I rebooted list of printers was much shorter but it did include ML-1710, which works!

You're a genius.


May 16, 2007 7:57 PM

Brian Tanner said...

Hey Perez. Glad it worked out! Weird that there were different options. I hope the direction are actually correct and that I didn't get it working by some weird fluke.

May 16, 2007 9:36 PM

Anonymous said...

Thanks man!

June 18, 2007 7:42 AM

matt said...

Samsung Australia still list the official OS X driver, maybe give that a try? I use it with my ML-1210

July 15, 2007 8:57 AM

Anonymous said...

HI guys , Try to 1650

August 15, 2007 5:23 PM

Anonymous said...

I tied this, and the ML-1210 showed up (my printer), but when i tried to print nothing happened. Sometimes the printer would indicate it was getting info, but nothing ever printed!

September 5, 2007 9:53 PM

Junaid said...

Hi guys, I'm trying to click on the hpijs-foomatic-2.0.2.ppc.dmg (1.6 MB) link but it doesnt seem to appear, is there anywhere else from where i can download it?