Samsung ML-1610 Printer on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (Intel Mac)

Post date: Feb 29, 2008 4:17:35 AM

Samsung ML-1610 Printer on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (Intel Mac)

I have a section of this site that explains how to explain the ML 1610 Printer on Mac OS X (10.4 -- Tiger) on an Intel iMac . I recently upgraded to Leopard, and my printer disappeared. So again, I'll journey into the Hell that can be getting certain peripherals working on Mac and try to get my printer installed.

The New/Best Way -- Guigo's Driver (March 4, 2008)

Guigo sent me an e-mail about a new way to get the ML1610 working. His method works on Tiger and Leopard, and is much easier than the way I originally found. I recommend you use his method, especially since the links in my original post seem to not work anymore.

Guigo's Driver

I ported the free Splix driver (which supports the ML1610 among a lot of other printers) to mac os x. I haven’t tested it on Tiger, but it should work too. You can download it at

Feedback is welcome! thanks

April 5, 2007 Arto tells me that the Splix driver actaully works on Leopard, and even allowed him to hook the printer up through his wireless network.

On Jan 17 I received the following. If anyone tries this and verifies, please let me know.

Samsung Australia ML-1710 Driver (Dario's Method)

Dario Sait sent me this some time before Guigo contacted me with his driver.

Here is a much easier way than the original method (but not as good as Guigo's) to get that printer work (works at least for Tiger and for Leopard). On the Australian website is a driver for the ML-1710 that works for the ML-1610 too.

little howto:

Just visit the and then change your Region to Australia. A search for the ML-1710 leads you to the following page (first result):

There you can download that driver for Mac OS 10.5 and it works perfectly for me.

Maybe you can add this information to your website [1] because it is one of the first search results in google (Congratulations :) ) and it may help some people.

Best Regards

Dario Sait

I've chronicled my troubleshooting process, but there are some wrong turns in there. So, if you want the whole story, look at the next section "The Journey", if you only want the results, scroll down to "The Directions".

The Original Method

The following sections describe my original journey and methods for getting the printer working. They are not recommended anymore. In fact, I think these links are even dead. I recommend you use Guigo's driver at the top of the page.

The Journey

I'm going to trace through my old blog post directions, see if that works, and diverge when it doesn't. So, here we go:

1) Download and install espgs-7.07.1.ppc.dmg (5.4 MB)

Ok, that installed successfully.

2) Download and install (1.6 MB)

Oh darn. That file is gone. Crap. Quick web search, found that Daniele Sluijters has a post on his blog about this printer with Leopard. Unfortunately it's not helpful.

Hmm, looking back at the , I see there is a file that looks interesting hpijs-2.7.10-UB.dmg

So, I downloaded that. There is a file in the disk image with a list of support printers, and while ML 1610 isn't there, I'll try to install this anyway. Like a real man, I won't read the readme.

Hehe, funny story. The installer quit half-way through and told me to read the readme file.

"Additional software: All Mac OS X users MUST install Foomatic-RIP and Ghostscript. This driver will not function without it!"

So, that link takes you here:

And now I'm downloading a PPC disk image again : foomatic-rip- (88KB). I feel like I've played this game before. Ok, downloaded, and installed.

Now let's try the hpijs installer again. Success!

Let's try and continue where my old instructions left off:

4) Go to System Preference --> Print & Fax

5) Click the + button to add a printer

6) My printer is listed. So I click it. Now the computer is search for drivers.... and the list of available drivers is empty. That's heartbreaking. Oh wait, choose "Select a driver to use..." then a bunch of options pops up. Oh, Leopard is cute, there is a little spotlight box to help us find what we want. Let's type "ML". Looks like there are quite a few ML drivers, good. I'll choose ML1650, because it's the closest to my model, ML 1610. If you prefer "The price is right" rules, you could have taken ML 1450. I click "add" and now have a printer listed as installed on my computer. Double click it, go up to the "printer" menu, and choose "print test page". I wait about 30 seconds, and then...nothing. How sad. Ok well, in my previous instructions, I had success with ML-1210, so I'll remove the printer and try that.... YES! It works!

Ok, so now I wonder if any of these steps were superfluous. I'm not sure, so I'll just sum up what I did.

The Directions

1) Download and install espgs-7.07.1.ppc.dmg (5.4 MB)

2) Download and install foomatic-rip- (88 KB)

3) Downlad and install hpijs-2.7.10-UB.dmg (4 MB)

4) Go to System Preference --> Print & Fax

5) Click the + button to add a printer

6) Pick your printer and then for driver choose: "Select a driver to use..."

7) Pick Samsung ML-1210 Foomatic + GDI

You're done!

On this new website there isn't yet an easy way to add comments, so feel free to e-mail me: brian@tannerpages.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it with your experience and I'll tack it on here.

Update from Rosyna

7) Pick Samsung ML-1210 Foomatic + GDI

This driver does not come with any of the foomatic or hpjis downloads you previously instruct to install. It may have come with an older version of the software you had installed. To get the driver, go to and download then after it is downloaded, place it in /Library/Printers/PPDs/Resources/ (the finder may ask you to authenticate). *Then* you can choose "Samsung ML-1210 foomatic/gdi".

If the PPD is not installed beforehand, it will not appear in the list.

(I recently had to get an ML-1210 printer working on 10.5 and your instructions worked nicely except for the PPD step).