Fifth Grade

I believe that all students are quite capable of reaching their fullest potential. This takes time, dedication and organization. To make the learning and homework process most meaningful and rewarding, students might wish to learn how to 'work smarter, not harder'. Parents and students should schedule specific times for homework, and together make certain that all work is complete, organized, and packed in binders and/or backpacks the night before it is due. Establishing good work/study habits will make the 5th grade experience much more enjoyable for students and parents.

Teaching for almost 18 years has brought better insight to the education of our future, our children. My belief is that anyone has the potential to do what they desire if good effort is applied. To be academically successful, students should always put forth their personal best to earn and maintain the highest possible grade.

Small things in life are quite rewarding. Seeing students succeed even in the smallest of events whether personal or academic are why I enjoy teaching. To encourage, to guide, to mentor is my purpose. I'm proud to be a teacher. I'm excited to teach, and I'm dedicated to help students to grow in knowledge and as a person.

~Mrs. Keck NBCT

Some of Mrs. Keck's Favorite Things: