MUSIC during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Please read and follow the Safety Protocols for Healthy Music making activities during the COVID-19 / coronavirus pandemic. Singing, and playing of woodwind or brass instruments requires additional safety considerations.



Things we can not do at this time:

  1. Play Woodwind or Brass instruments (or sing) together, without extra physical distancing measures, specialized masks / Bell covers.

  2. Share instruments (as always!)

Things we *can* do:

  1. Play instruments *INSIDE* or *OUTSIDE*, with physical distancing (minimum of 3 feet between individuals), with Instrument Bell Covers, and with Specialized/Modified Masks.

  2. Play your instrument (and/or sing) individually, at HOME.

2. Use technology to communicate, to collaborate, and to share. Individual and group videoconferencing, audio recording, video recording, and "collage" style pre-recorded performances.

3. Follow every-day instrument cleaning, and COVID-specific instrument disinfection and sterilization guidance to not only be healthy, but to keep your instrument in excellent working condition.

MASSACHUSETTS Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Guidance for MUSIC

2022.02.10 [INTERNATIONAL COALITION PERFORMING ARTS AERSOL STUDY] Updated Guidelines for Music Education classrooms, February 2022.
2021.08.11 [NAfME and NFHS ] National Association for Music Education and National Federation of State High School Associations RETURN TO MUSIC Guidance Phase III.
[MMEA] Statement by the Massachusetts Music Educators Association______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2021.07.19 [INTERNATIONAL COALITION PERFORMING ARTS AERSOL STUDY] Updated Guidelines for Music Education classrooms for Fall 2021. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2021.05.10 [NAfME and NFHS ] National Association for Music Education and National Federation of State High School Associations RETURN TO MUSIC Guidance Phase II. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2021.04.26 [HUDSON HIGH SCHOOL] RETURN to In-Person playing of Woodwind and Brass Instruments / RETURN to fuller in-school learning model.
2020.03.19 [NOT DESE] National Federation of State High School Associations Unprecedented International Coalition led by Performing Arts Organizations to Commission COVID-19 Study
Updated Statement on United States CDC Distancing Guidance (March 19th)
2020.03.01 UPDATE Guidance for Courses Requiring Additional Safety Considerations During School Year 2020-2021
For chorus, singing, musical theater: If outdoors, with masks encouraged if possible, these activities can occur with at least 10 feet of distance between individuals. If indoors, with masks required, these activities can occur with at least 10 feet of distance between individuals if in-person school is occurring. Note: These activities cannot occur indoors without a mask.
For using brass or woodwind instruments: If outdoors, with masks encouraged if possible, these activities can occur with at least 10 feet of distance between individuals. If indoors, with masks encouraged if possible, these activities can occur with 10 feet of distance between individuals if in-person school is occurring.

Band and the use of musical instruments

As is the case for chorus and singing, some musical instruments carry a relatively higher risk of virus transmission. Instruction for brass and woodwind instruments must follow the guidelines for courses that require enhanced health and safety measures on page 2.

  • As noted earlier, instruction for musical instruments that require air blowing (e.g., flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, trombone) can occur outdoors or indoors, if in-person school is occurring, when individuals are at least 10 feet apart. These instruments should never be shared.

    • For musical instruments that require air blowing, the use of bell covers and instrument masks are encouraged. Instrument masks are regular masks with a slit or hole cut for the mouthpiece.[i]

    • Spit valves should be emptied onto a disposable, absorbent pad rather than the floor so that contents can be contained.

● Instruction for musical instruments that do not involve air blowing (e.g., strings, percussion, piano) may continue indoors or outdoors as long as health and safety requirements are met. If needed, these instruments can be shared between students in accordance with the above guidance on shared equipment on page 3.

● Students should be encouraged to clean their instruments regularly, especially the mouthpiece and high-touch surfaces, such as finger pads.

● For cleaning guidelines specific to each instrument, the National Federation of State High School Associations, the National Association for Music Education, and the National Association of Music Merchants Foundation have published COVID-19 Instrument Cleaning Guidelines.

[i] National Federation of State High School Associations, Preliminary Results of Performing Arts Aerosol Study Depict Hopeful Outlook for Future Musical Activities. (2020, July)

The updated guidance will be posted on this page:

2020.03.01 Guidance for Courses Requiring Additional Safety Considerations During School Year 2020-2021
UPDATED GUIDANCE ON INDOOR SINGING. The Department has received approval for schools to allow singing indoors if in-person school is occurring. Singers must wear a mask and be at least 10 feet away from each other. The updated guidance also strongly encourages students to wear well-fitting masks, sing at lower volumes, limit singing to 30 minutes, and prioritize the use of large, well-ventilated spaces. An updated version of “Guidance for Courses Requiring Additional Safety Considerations” that reflects these changes will be posted on DESE’s COVID-19 guidance page. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2020.10.13 Guidance for Courses Requiring Additional Safety Considerations During School Year 2020-2021
Update on Wind Instrument and Brass Instrument Use: The Department has updated its Guidance for Courses Requiring Additional Safety Considerations for Fall 2020. When in-person school is occurring, wind and brass instruments may be used indoors or outdoors with 10 feet of distance between individuals. Masks, including instrument masks that have a slit for the instrument, and the use of bell covers are encouraged if possible. Spit valves should be emptied onto a disposable, absorbent pad rather than the floor so that contents can be contained. The updated guidance will be posted on this page: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2020.08.31 Guidance for Courses Requiring Additional Safety Considerations During School Year 2020-2021
For outdoor performances involving singing or brass or wind instruments, there must be at least 25 feet of distance between performers and the first row of the audience. [i]
Indoor performances, including theater, band, or orchestra, are not permitted at this time, but may be in the future in accordance with state guidelines.[i]
[i]Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Sector Specific Workplace Safety Standards for Theaters and Performance Venues to Address COVID-19. (2020, August).[i]Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Sector Specific Workplace Safety Standards for Theaters and Performance Venues to Address COVID-19. (2020, August).______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2020.07.24 Guidance on Courses Requiring Additional Safety Considerations and Remote Learning
  • Arts: Chorus, band, theater, dance, and visual arts
  • Physical education
"Importance of the arts and physical education The arts, physical education, and other enrichment courses are an integral part of the learning experience for every student at every grade level. We strongly encourage schools and districts to continue providing these classes to students this fall.Adaptations to these courses, however, are necessary to support the safety of students and staff. Even though these activities require additional logistics, we are confident that they can and should continue this fall, as outlined in the following pages.In this document, we focus on guidance for courses that require enhanced health and safety measures due to increased respiration or sharing of equipment, and we include guidance specific to each type of course. These guidelines are designed to reduce the risk of virus transmission." (PAGE 1)
----Chorus, singing, brass or woodwind instrument use, physical education activities, dance, and theater require enhanced health and safety measures, because they may involve increased respiration.[i] Research into optimal ways to maximize safety in these types of activities is ongoing. As a result, in consultation with our medical advisors, our guidance at this time is intentionally conservative and recommends modifications to minimize these elevated risks. We strongly encourage these courses and activities be held fully or partially online if possible. If they are held in person, we strongly encourage – and at times require – these activities to occur outdoors. Safety requirements for these activities are as follows:For chorus, singing, musical theater, and using brass or woodwind instruments:· If outdoors, with masks encouraged if possible, these activities can occur with at least 10 feet of distance between individuals.· Note: At this time, these activities are not permitted indoors.For non-musical theater:· If outdoors, with masks encouraged if possible, these activities can occur with 6 feet of distance between individuals.· If indoors, with masks required, these activities can occur with 6 feet of distance between individuals.· Note: These activities cannot occur indoors without a mask.[i] Harvard School of Public Health, Schools For Health: Risk Reduction Strategies for Reopening Schools. (2020, June).(PAGES 2-3)---
Instruments that do not come into contact with the mouth (e.g., piano) can be shared if cleaned by students or custodial staff between uses. Woodwind or brass instruments (e.g., flute, saxophone, trumpet, clarinet) cannot be shared.(PAGE 4)---
Chorus and singing instructionSinging carries a relatively higher risk of virus transmission because voice projection generates respiratory droplets.[i] Chorus and singing must use the guidance for courses that require enhanced health and safety measures on page 2.● Consider what mask types may be most comfortable for singing and whether these masks can be provided to students.[ii] When outdoors, staff should monitor student volume to prevent harm to students’ vocal cords.● Consider pursuing musical pieces that are at a lower volume. The lower the volume, the less projection required. Consider, also, the volume of any background music. The higher the volume of background music, the more vocalists will need to project to be heard.● All students should face in one direction instead of facing one another. Avoid singing in a circle or semicircular formation.● Students and teachers should avoid sharing materials (e.g., music stands) when feasible. Any sharing of equipment should follow the equipment sharing guidelines on page 3.● When it is not possible to continue with singing instruction based on the guidelines on page 2 – for instance, when activities cannot be held outdoors due to inclement weather or in colder seasons – courses could focus on other aspects of music instruction, such as history of music, music theory, or vocal anatomy. These courses could also be conducted virtually.[iii] [i] Harvard School of Public Health, Schools For Health: Risk Reduction Strategies for Reopening Schools. (2020, June).[ii] Consider masks such as those available here:[iii] Harvard School of Public Health, Schools For Health: Risk Reduction Strategies for Reopening Schools. (2020, June).(PAGE 5)---Band and the use of musical instrumentsAs is the case for chorus and singing, some musical instruments carry a relatively higher risk of virus transmission. Instruction for brass and woodwind instruments must follow the guidelines for courses that require enhanced health and safety measures on page 2.
  • As noted earlier, instruction for musical instruments that require air blowing (e.g., flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, trombone) can only occur outdoors when individuals are at least 10 feet apart. These instruments should never be shared.
· Instruction for musical instruments that do not involve air blowing (e.g., strings, percussion, piano) may continue indoors or outdoors as long as health and safety requirements are met. If needed, these instruments can be shared between students in accordance with the above guidance on shared equipment on page 3.● Students should be encouraged to clean their instruments regularly, especially the mouthpiece and high-touch surfaces, such as finger pads.● For cleaning guidelines specific to each instrument, the National Federation of State High School Associations, the National Association for Music Education, and the National Association of Music Merchants Foundation have published COVID-19 Instrument Cleaning Guidelines.(PAGE 6)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________