Class Expectations for 7/8 SS

 Mrs. Hilton’s Classroom Values:

I expect my classroom to be a positive learning environment for all students and that very few behavioral problems will occur.  Therefore, I have certain classroom VALUES which help the classroom run smoothly.  As a result of these values, students need to follow a few specific rules. 

Value #1:  RESPECT yourself, your classmates, your teacher, your classroom, and your education.  Disrespectful behavior affects not only your ability to learn but others’ as well.


Value #3  KINDNESS - Treat others better than you want to be treated!

Classroom Behavior Consequences

 “The word fair means that each student gets what he or she needs to be successful.  Being equal means that each student gets exactly the same thing.”  - Brian Mendler

Fair and equal do not mean the same thing, although many times they can.  Each student is an individual and will be treated as such.  I promise I will always do my best to be fair to each and every one of you in this class.  But many of you will get different consequences, homework assignments, tests, quizzes, etc. which may not be viewed as equal.  These things will be based on what each student needs to be successful. This means I will not always be treating all students exactly the same way, or what you view as equal.  Most of the time, the following consequences will occur; however, they may not occur in this particular order.  Sometimes different consequences will be given for the exact same behavior.  All consequences will almost always be personal and private. 

·         Warning

·         Detention

·         Phone call home

·         Recess Suspension

·         Removal from room and/or sent to see principal

·         OTHER

Daily Class Supplies:

·         Chromebook

·         Assignment Notebook/Agenda

·         Pens and/or Pencils – you can use any utensil as long as it is legible; all students may type assignment as needed if preferred and must be attached to the original worksheet.

·         Separate notebook or loose-leaf paper for history

·         Separate folder for history (can be a section in your accordion folder)

Classroom Procedures: 

When the bell rings, students are expected to be in their own seats already working on their daily bell work and following all classroom procedures.  Mrs. Hilton will now direct you to do the following tasks.  You are responsible for knowing what you need to do every day when you walk into the classroom.

Bell Work:

Other Procedures:

Students will be allowed to leave the classroom only at appropriate times deemed acceptable by Mrs.  Hilton.  Only TWO students will be allowed to leave the room at a time.

Homework:  (Applies to all assignments given on paper in class or on Google Classroom)

Unless otherwise stated, homework will be due at the beginning of class the next day our class meets.  It is highly recommended that students and parents alike access student grades via the online grade book through the PowerSchool portal.  Not only can you see overall history grades, but can also see when upcoming assignments are due, assignments that are yet to be graded, individual graded assignments, assignments that may be missing or late, and even absent work.  Assignments without a grade are not factored into the overall grade unless the assignment is late.  All late work is factored as a zero until the assignment is turned in.  Absent and missing work can be identified by clicking the individual assignment and see the added teacher comment.

Examples of situations that may occur that would constitute cheating or plagiarism are as follows:

*Comparing/Discussing answers on ungraded work 

Ex.  “Hey, I don’t think I did my HW right.  How did you do #20?”

*Receiving or giving an answer to ANY question on an assignment

Ex.  “Hey, tell me what you get for #20?”

*Directly copying answers.

Ex.  “Your answer for #20 looks good, I’m going to write it down. OK?”

*Plagiarizing from the internet or another source

Ex.  “I should just cut and paste this internet article into a word doc.  How will Mrs. Hilton ever know?”

Good alternatives if a student needs help:

*Asking Mrs. Hilton or another middle school teacher for assistance on anything you don't understand.

*Asking Mrs. Hilton to spot check your work if you are not confident in your understanding or direction.

*Having your parents assist you on your homework (re-teaching or spot checking) without giving you the answers.  (However, this should be done on a very limited basis. If you frequently do not understand how to complete the homework, please let me know.  My assignments are designed for students to be able to complete them without parental assistance.)

Consequences for Late Homework:

Keep in mind that consequences for late work may vary from teacher to teacher across the school.  Here is a brief overview as they pertain to my classes.

a. So you don't miss out on further instruction and discussion of the topics the work covers.

b.  Eliminates goofing off or wasting time in the hallway

c.  Less late work grading for Mrs. Hilton and students get correct work to study from sooner

d.  Eliminates late work from piling up and students forgetting about it

e.  A 50% is better than a 0%!