7SS Current Events

Why Do We Need To Know Current Events?

-To keep in touch with what is going on in the world, in the U.S., and locally

-Our civic duty

-To better understand social studies concepts in our textbook or the news

Weekly Current Events (CEs) will be posted on Monday each week and responses must be submitted by 3:00 pm on FRIDAY to receive full credit. 

Weekly CE: Requirements

Using Google Classroom, you will complete the assignment posted for the week.

Follow the directions for each assignment posted.

Some weeks may have one task, others may have multiple tasks.  Watch all videos, read all articles, and review all questions and directions. 

You will have one week to do some CEs and others two weeks.  Make sure you pay attention to the exact due date so you don't get penalized.

Grade Criteria 

To earn the max points each assignment, do the following: 

**For Multiple Choice/Short Answers**

Use the content to help you choose or identify the correct answer.

Question values will vary but are graded for exactness.

**For Open-Ended Responses/Opinions**

Response to the Question

Response shows attention to details and directions of the question with evidence that you read the content. 

(50% per question) 

Thoughtful Opinion 

Response expresses an intelligent idea/opinion that demonstrates understanding of the topic at hand.  

(20% per question) 

Factual Basis 

The post includes text evidence to support the stated idea/opinion. 

(20% per question) 


Uses appropriate spelling, grammar, and formatting for adequate completion. 

(10% per questions)