Ethics - Grade 11


  • November 7th 2018 - Students were asked to research and give an answer to the following question: Is the entity in the womb a human being, yes/ no give evidence to support your position. Students were asked to research and argue their position during the class.
  • November 6th 2018 - Continued the discussion on the prolife, prochoice debate. Elaborated on the difference between the postmodern ethic, and the Aristotelian Ethic.
  • - Breaking Bad habits vide.
  • October 20th 2018 - Journal Question: What is the doctrine of the mean? How do you find the mean? Finally give examples of this.
  • October 23rd 2018 - Began a discussion on Virtue and habit. Discussed the four cardinal virtues and connected them to Aristotle's understanding of human psychology.
  • October 9th 2018 - Read a brief piece on ethics as a matter of opinion. Students asked to journal about the following two questions: What is the difference between a universal ethical idea, and an ethical opinion? How does an awareness of human nature (or lack of it) affect our moral decisions?
  • October 3rd 2018 - Journalled on the question whether morality is crated or discovered. We read a section, lecture 1, from a course on Aristotle. Students were asked to fill out the journal and return it for the next class.
  • September 28th 2018 - Discussed and corrected misconceptions about Aristotle. We talked about how Virtue Ethics is one of the dominant ethical frameworks in university. We discussed the five star principle of pleasure. We gave examples. We will continue the discussion in the next class.
  • September 26th 2018 - Went though the basic framework of moral theory in the course. Moving from is - to ought - to Eudaimonia. Students were asked to journal on the purpose of sexuality according to Aristotle's framework, and whether they agree or disagree with this conception. Finally, we discussed the idea of the rational animal in this framework.
  • September 18th 2018 - Discussed the three kinds of ways people seek after happiness. Pleasure, honour, and contemplation. Asked individuals to journal about the following question: What are the three ways people seek happiness? Explain briefly each one. Which do you think you most fall into and why?
  • September 17th 2018 - Continued discussion of Aristotle. Asked the question: Whether the young can learn ethics. Discussed the reason why Aristotle thinks the young cannot learn ethics namely because of a lack of experience, and also because they are heavily swayed by emotion. Students asked to journal about the class room discussion.
  • September 12th 2018 - Discussed the argument given by William Paley on the argument for God's existence from design. Discussed as a class the objection that evolution poses to this argument. Discussed the confusion in culture between mechanism and agent. Finally, students were asked to journal "What is the argument for God's existence from design."
  • Discussed as a group the notion of the supreme good. We discussed how we are often confused about means and ends. Pointed out money is often confused as an end in life when it is actually a means. Journaled about the question, Is it important for an individual to know the end that they are seeking? Are often confused about our ends? Yes/no give examples.
  • September 10th 2018 - Began a slow reading of the Nicomachean Ethics. We first examined the question "Why do we go to school?" Looking for all the causal reasons that one might choose to go to school. Then we spoke about the concept of a "supreme good" and an activity that is a "good in itself." Finally we began reading the first chapter of the Nicomachean Ethics.
  • Read an excerpt from the book Jump by Steve Harvey. Discussed his decision to go back on stage in the Miss Universe controversy. Discussed the notion of character and what it would mean. Asked all students to bring in their journal for the next class.
  • September 7th 2018 - We began a reading on the life of Aristotle. Covered major facts and events regarding his life. Watched a video relating to some of the major themes that Aristotle develops. Finally, students were to journal: Who was Aristotle? When did he live? What are two facts you found interesting about his life? Explain. Students who did not bring a journal to class were asked to submit their sheet of paper in a journal in the following class.

Christian Ethics - Syllabus 2018:2019.docx
