Recommended Assessments

The PROGRESS MONITORING Recommendations list (last updated Spring 2023!)  is truly the TOOLBOX for progress monitoring at SSD, as it has all possible recommended measures. FAST has a LOT more options than we used to have; however, there will still be times that you utilize measures beyond FAST. Use this document to see other SSD-approved progress monitoring assessments.

For more information about progress monitoring at SSD, here's a link to the SSD Assessment Refresher session content for Fall 2023.

Direct links to some of the specific progress monitoring measures referenced on the doc above can be found in the Google Drive folder below!

The SSD PREDICTING and PLANNING list is your toolbox for predicting and planning assessments. 

Predicting assessments (often referred to as screening assessments) are typically done with all students, & provide info about the knowledge & skill base of students, and overall growth across the year. Most predicting assessments take place 3x per year: fall, winter, and spring. For more specifics regarding SSD Screening Expectations, click here.

Planning assessments (often referred to as diagnostic tools) are used to identify specific strengths & weaknesses, or specific skill gaps. Most planning assessments take place as needed. Depending on the assessment, they might be administered at the beginning or end of the year to inform instructional planning, mid-year to inform transition planning, or as part of yearly IEP planning or 3-year re-evaluation to inform IEP goals. 

Free Assessment Tool Trainings

First, to complete any of the online modules click here to join our Assessment Training Class in EdPuzzle (you can login with Google account of your choosing). When asked if you are a student or teacher, make sure to select STUDENT, and if you are asked for a class code, enter the following: jozolid

Algebra CBMs

Early Writing CBMs

EasyCBM Basic Math

Writing CBMs - WRITE (previously KU Writing) - now available!

Readworks (Reading Comprehension)

Sig Cog CBMs or CBMs for Students with Significant Cognitive Delays

Tools that require a subscription





Informal Formative Assessment Tools

Exit Tickets

Formative - Online formative assessment system that allows you to capture open ended responses, multiple choices, drawn responses, etc - you can even upload a worksheet or assignment that you have already created & have student respond right on that sheet!

Kahoot - Multiple-choice quizzes that students complete on their own devices, done as a group activity with a winner at the end. 

Plickers - Paper clicker system! You print a set of cards for your class, and then just need one device to scan the room when they hold up their cards!

Quizalize - “Generate your own quizzes or pick one from the Quizalize Marketplace, and then track student progress with instant assessments for personalized learning on a laptop, tablet or smartphone.” (EdSurge S’Cool Tool review)

Quizizz - Also a multiple-choice quiz game that students complete on their own devices, but can be completed together or at different times, & has funny memes displayed after each question.