A teacher participates in the San Ramon Valley Teacher Induction Project if they:
Hold a Multiple or Single Subject Preliminary Credential and are in their first or second year of teaching.
Hold a Multiple or Single Subject Preliminary Credential and are required to participate in an approved induction program as stated on the credential.
Have completed and/or enrolled in a Multiple or Single Subject Internship Program.
Develop an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) with an induction mentor within the first 60 days of enrollment into the program
Collaborate with an induction mentor to engage in Formative Assessment Processes: A minimum of 4 hours per month
Assessing and Understanding the Learning Context
Setting and Reflecting on Professional Goals
Co-Assessment on Continuum of Teacher Development
Mid-Year Review
Year End Reflections
Candidate Overview
Examining Practice through Inquiry
Inquiry Cycles including in any sequence
Analysis of Student Learning
Plan Lessons
Observation Cycle (pre-conference, observe, post-conference)
Engage in Professional Development aligned to Professional Goals
Complete State and Program Required Documentation:
Credential Screening Process through HR via a Google Form and then verified by SRVTIP (upon hire)
PT and Mentor Professional Agreement/ Memorandum of Understanding (fall)
Mid-Year Online Survey (winter)
Year-end Online Survey (spring)
*Note: If a teacher possesses a preliminary multiple or single subject credential, there may be additional clear credential completion requirements in addition to Induction requirements.
Lawful Practices: The San Ramon Valley Unified School District recognizes it is the policy of the Induction program to ensure equal opportunity without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Senate Bill 57 (Scott) allows eligible individuals to complete a Commission-approved professional teacher induction program at a faster pace than the two years required to complete the traditional program. The intent of the law is to serve experienced and exceptional candidates. Upon completion, a teacher will have met the induction requirement of the preliminary credential.
Eligibility Requirements
SRVTIP maintains responsibility for determining the appropriateness of individual candidates applying for the Early Completion Option (ECO). Criteria requirements include:
A teacher must hold a preliminary multiple subject, single subject, or ed. specialist credential and be employed in a California public school
Has experience as teacher of record in a similar assignment (typically 3+ years), or at least one year of full-time teaching experience while in a university intern credential program with support from a SRVTIP Coach prior to entering the Induction Program
Has earned “Meets”or“Exceeds” on professional standards-based teaching evaluations (minimum of 2)
Has received site administrator’s recommendation to be considered for the Early Completion Option
SRVTIP retains the right to request any additional evidence that may be necessary to determine a candidate’s eligibility for the Early Completion Option.
Application Process
If a candidate feels they are a possible ECO candidate, the following steps outline the process:
Candidate discusses option with SRVTIP mentor and SRVTIP site liaison.
SRVTIP site liaison and/or Coordinator reviews criteria, and required documentation, and sends ECO application Google Form to candidate.
Candidate submits ECO application & documentation to SRVTIP site liaison/ program coordinator.
SRVTIP sends approval confirmation Google form to site administrator for verification.
SRVTIP leadership team reviews completed ECO application and required documentation.
SRVTIP Coordinator emails candidate to notify them of the decision within 20 days.
Upon approval, candidate and mentor meet to sign ECO Memorandum, incorporate ECO Plan into Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and submit evidence upon completion.
College credit
Each year in induction, you have the opportunity to earn 4 semester units of credit from University of the Pacific (UOP) for your work.
To receive four semester units, go to their website and follow the directions for PARTICIPATING TEACHERS (PTS). Please note these are semester units that are always transferable if you move to another district. Four semester units cost a total of $200. Be sure to select the correct course number when you are registering, depending on if you are a Year 1 or Year 2 PT Candidate. If you have any questions regarding these units from University of the Pacific, please e-mail Karin Alexander at courses4teachers@courses4teachers.net
We strongly advise you to apply for the units you have earned by completing a year of induction. These units help you to move up on the pay scale.
Once UOP sends you a confirmation email that you have received the units, please be sure to forward the email to Anjali Gahlot at agahlot@srvusd.net You will also need to complete the Professional Growth Submission Form by October 10th to move up on the pay scale for that school year.
*It is your responsibility to follow through with this process to earn units which place you higher on the pay scale.