San Ramon Valley
Teacher Induction Project
Who is eligible?
A teacher participates in the San Ramon Valley Teacher Induction Project (SRVTIP) if they:
Holds a Multiple, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Preliminary Credential and is in their first or second year of teaching.
Holds a Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Preliminary Credential and is required to participate in an approved induction program as stated on the credential.
Has completed a Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Internship Program and has applied for, or has received a Preliminary Credential
The principles that guide the San Ramon Valley Teacher Induction Project program vision are:
Learning to teach is a life-long, developmental process that involves confronting challenges and taking risks.
The teacher is the key agent of educational change; effective teaching is the cornerstone of educational reform.
A common language and professional standards promote the improvement of teaching practice and the development of a professional community.
The professional norms of self and peer assessment, reflection, and collaboration are central to the success of schools and the improvement of learning and teaching.
Teacher learning must focus on classroom practice and student achievement.
Formative assessment data best guide the refinement of teaching practice and the design of professional growth activities.
Participating teachers are professionals who are capable of critically examining their practice to improve teaching and learning.
Effective support offers mutual learning opportunities for both the candidate and the mentor.
Mentor training and expertise are the key components of a successful Induction program.
Mission statement
Candidates in the San Ramon Valley Unified Teacher Induction Project (SRVTIP) experience enhanced professional growth and development via an individualized, job-embedded system of coaching, support and professional learning that begins in a participating teacher’s first year of teaching. Candidates build upon their teacher preparation by participating in a rich and thoughtful induction process based on an analysis of teaching practice on the Continuum of Teacher Development and the creation of an Individual Learning Plan. Candidates engage in reflective conversations with experienced colleagues, follow the guidelines of the SRVTIP, and chart progress through the continuum of skills, knowledge and abilities aligned to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession to develop enduring professional skills in service of positively impacting student learning.
Collaboration with a highly qualified teacher mentor
Job-embedded professional growth connecting university theory and district application
Common language to describe good teaching as a basis for professional growth
Fulfillment of Induction requirements for a Clear Credential
Opportunity to earn four graduate level units per year of university credit toward salary advancement
High quality professional development opportunities and opportunities to network across sites
Advancement of instructional practices
Improved student performance through ongoing training, information, and assistance for all new teachers
Promote the professional success and retention of promising new teachers
Increase teachers’ overall satisfaction with the profession
Provide a trained colleague who individualizes support and assistance to each participating teacher
Help teachers become effective in working with students who are culturally, linguistically, and academically diverse
Ensure that an individual induction plan is in place for each participating teacher based on the SRV TIP Induction Standards
Foster collegiality through professional learning communities
Encourage a reflective habit of mind
Recommend qualified teachers for a Professional Clear Credential