
Texas librarians do not have a set of TEKS objectives. We have ALL the TEKS objectives! What we use to guide us besides the TEKS are the following standards. Since the state standards are being revised at this time, they will be changing under the direction of the legislature and TEA. And since they are changing, we currently rely heavily on the national standards for libraries and technology, both of which are more suited to the needs of 21st Century Learners.

National Standards

Standards for the 21st-Century Learner from the American Association for School Librarians

ISTE Standards for Technology Education

State Standards

School Library Programs: Standards and Guidelines for Texas

Standard II regarding staffing:

Principle 2. Organizing and Staffing: The librarian manages staff, volunteers, and partners to support the curriculum, to satisfy learners’ diverse needs, and to encourage lifelong learning.

Campus Level Professional and Paraprofessional Staff to Support Student Achievement

The professional staffing levels listed below are for campuses that support one level.

Special consideration must be given to additional staffing to serve students if a library supports more than one level.

District Level Staff to Support Student Achievement