Understanding the Vision

Who are we?

You may call us librarians. You may call us library media specialists. You may call us teacher-librarians. You may have many names for us. We see ourselves as Library Information Technology Educators (LITE).

You may think of our libraries as quiet rooms filled with students sitting quietly reading in small groups at tables, whispering, studying, researching. You may think of them as outdated or outmoded since the Internet. We think of them as Learning Commons, the hub of the school, noisy and active spaces filled with books, ebooks, electronic video and audio, other technology for engaged and excited students. And, given the support we need, we have a big impact on student achievement.


Spring ISD libraries are dedicated to empowering students to become lifelong and enthusiastic readers and learners; to become competent, safe, and ethical users of information and technology; and to develop skills that promote creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and integration into community.

Libraries have always housed information, whether it was in clay tablets, on scrolls of papyrus or animal skins, or in fine illuminated books, or now in ebooks or online or in the cloud.

Librarians have always been the people who assisted with vetting, collecting, organizing, disseminating, and assisting people with information. We have never been just the keepers of the books.

We know who we are, but do you? Do you think of us as book people, shushers, sitting in offices, ordering and processing books, handling the circulation desk and shelving the books? Take a look at the video and see who we really are: