Government Renovation

To: Government Students

The world has witnessed a series of revolutions in the Middle East as well as citizen protests in Europe in the last few years. Will the United States be next? In order to prevent this from happening your representatives in Congress would like to know how you rate the government and how you would improve the way our government is currently working.

How can the US government be improved? Create a presentation outlining your plan, including the format and audience for your plan. There are many ways to speak to Congress, so it is up to your group to decide the best format and audience. Your project requirements are:

Develop a presentation that persuades leaders to improve the US government. Include at least one visual. Your presentation must include a rating of the US government on the following:

  • Meeting the purposes of government

  • Major principles of the perfect government

  • Important aspects of the form of government

  • Important aspects of the structure of government

  • Types of leadership/ representation

Your rating of the US government should then conclude with:

  • Justification of each rating

  • What should be changed? You must include how it is currently being factual.

  • Methods of creating change (how and who)

  • Justification for each change needed based on foundational documents in US history and theories of government (Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Federalist Papers, Constitution- preamble, and writings from political thinkers

You will submit your presentations after a class discussion of group findings on the designated due date.