6th Grade Art

In sixth grade students will continue to learn important techniques and art history to enhance their art-making experience. Students will learn about foreshortening, perspective, photography, collage, and building 3-dimensional objects with clay. Sixth grade art will focus on developing technical skills and a sense of craftsmanship, creating mood and feeling in their work, and creating original works of art.

Project #1: Perspective Drawings

Students will learn the basics of using one-point and two-point perspective. They will learn the proper techniques and terminology to create realistic depictions of outdoor and indoor scenes. Student will learn about different types of lines and how to use them to create a sense of depth and three-dimensionality in their work. Once drawn, students will use shading and inking techniques to add texture, details, and value.

Project #2: Oil Pastel Self-Portraits

Students will learn techniques for accurate facial proportion, they will practice sketching themselves from observation using photographs and mirrors.

They will also learn blending techniques with oil pastels to create skin tones, highlights, and shadows. These techniques will help students to create a sense

of form and value and create a somewhat realistic portrait. Students will learn about the artist Gustav Klimt and use inspiration from the Art Nouveau movement to create colorful and patterned backgrounds using watercolor paint and ink.

Project #3: Ceramic Mugs

Students will learn all about the properties and stages of clay and how to successfully form and manipulate it. Students will create a functional ceramic mug and carve designs inspired by one of the cultures they learn about in social studies. Student will learn and employ many techniques and processes including: wedging, slip and score, slab building, carving, handle-making, and glazing techniques.