SLU Sparks

Have you spotted a colleague going above and beyond?

Have you ever wanted to give someone a gold star?

You now have the opportunity to make it official!

SLU Sparks is an immediate, outlet for peer-to-peer recognition. The inspiration for the name comes from the Jesuit phrase “Go forth and set the world on fire”. We want you to recognize the people who light a spark in you through their actions. 

How do I submit a SLU Spark?

To submit a SLU Spark, log into Workday and search for Give Feedback. You will be asked to identify who the feedback is for.  You can type in their name, choose from your team (suggested Workers) or locate by manager or location.

1. Choose who you would like to be able to see this feedback.

2. Tell your story. Write a brief description of why you wish to recognize this colleague. Include why it was important to you and how it made a difference.

3. Select one of the Feedback Badges that correspond to the Cura Program values and best represent your praise: Acting with Character, Driving Change & Innovation, or Strengthening Our Community.

4. Once you click the "Submit" button, your feedback will be visible to the individual or group that you selected.

SLU Sparks Recognition Kits

Recognizing others is essential to fostering a respectful workplace. Show your appreciation for your colleagues with a SLU Sparks note. SLU Sparks recognition kits are available for faculty and staff to order (at no cost while supplies last). Each SLU Sparks recognition kit includes 8 postcards, 12 greeting cards and envelopes, and 2 notepads. Click here to order your SLU Sparks recognition kit or SLU Sparks notepad!

Log into Workday and

search for Give Feedback

SLU Sparks Categories: You can recognize a fellow member of the SLU community for his/her contributions to the University in any of the following areas:

Acting with Character: Approaches work with a sense of integrity and duty to produce high quality results in the Jesuit tradition, even when it’s the harder thing to do.

Strengthening Our Community: Forms inclusive and equitable relationships with others in the workplace.

Driving Change & Innovation: Improves work processes with the goal of, adding value, increasing quality and efficiency or stopping unnecessary tasks.

Here is a quick overview.