5th Grade Transition

Welcome to Siren Middle School -

    Middle school is a time of change at school - you will be switching rooms for each class period, you will have different teachers for each subject, you will different classes then in elementary school and you will have more responsibility placed on you.

    You will be switching rooms for each class period and you will have 3 minutes in between classes.  This might not sound like very much time but it will be plenty of time once you get used to it. At the beginning of the year the teachers will give you a little bit of extra time while you learn where everything is and while you are learning about how to get into your locker.  Speaking of your locker - don’t worry! - you will get used to opening it. And the teachers will help you if you have trouble. The middle school day is broken down into 9 class periods and lunch is at 11:36 am to 12:06 pm. Almost all of your classes will be with just 6th grade students.  The only classes that will also have 7th or 8th grade students in will be the last class period of the day if you choose to be in Choir.

    You will get a schedule mailed to your house in July.  We will also have a brief orientation the week before school starts.  In middle school each student will have a chromebook but it will remain at school and you will learn more about it at the orientation in August.

The classes you will have next year include:

Explore is a rotation of a variety of introductory classes throughout the year on a 6 week rotation.  Includes:

Please be advised that Band and Choir are full year classes so if you are interested be sure to be enrolled in either one at the beginning of the year.  And - except for in extenuating circumstances - you will not be able to drop them throughout the year.

Rachel McNally

MS/HS Counselor