Google Drive

Google drive can be accessed via MUSE by going to My Services and clicking on Google Drive. Google Drive is like a virtual memory stick that offers secure online storage for your photos, videos, documents and other files, making it easy to access files where ever you are without the worry of losing your memory stick. Your University account provides you with 30GB of storage! As well as storing files Google Drive also allows you to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations which you can share and work together with

others in real time too!

Find out more about your Google Drive.

Switching between Google accounts

If you have a personal Google account, you will need to ensure you are logged out of your personal account before you can access you university Google account on your computer/mobile device.

The easiest way to check if you have completely logged out of your personal Google account is to open the Google home page in your internet browser. Click on the profile picture, in the top right hand corner and you will see which Gmail account you are logged into. Choose 'Sign out' button to log out of this account. Then try accessing you student account again via the "Google Mail" link in MUSE.

As an added bonus you can download Google drive to your Mac or PC allowing you to synchronise your files desktop and the web.

Google Drive on the go...

You can access your Google drive on your smart phone or tablet too by downloading the Google Drive app, making it easy to access you files on the go. The Google Drive app is available for Android, Apple, Blackberry and Windows phones.

Useful Resources

    • You can also visit for short video tutorials on using Google Drive. is available to all staff and students from the MUSE menu.