Florida Teens Read Books (FTR)
Welcome to the CBHS Florida Teens Read (FTR) information page.
If you have any questions please see Mrs. Colburn in the LMC.
For a list of this years FTR books, information about the statewide
program and cover images please click on the link below.
Please note: This program is designed to entice teens to read. In order to engage their interest and to provide a spur to critical thinking, the book selections include those that involve sensitive issues. The content of some of the titles may be more mature than younger students may have previously encountered. Please recognize that this is a voluntary reading program. Not every book selected will suit every student. In a democratic society, a variety of ideas must find voice. As readers, teens have the choice to read the more mature titles or to close the book.
It is important for anyone using the Florida Teens Read list to understand that the titles are being chosen with students in grades nine through twelve in mind (young people from the ages of fifteen to eighteen). The titles are NOT chosen for a student’s reading ability, reading level or Lexile® level. The titles ARE chosen to engage high school students and to reflect their interests. Most of these books have main characters who are in high school and who are often going through mature teen and/or adult situations.
It is understood that all books on the list may not appeal to all teen readers; however, books selected for the list will be of interest to a general young adult audience and will deal with relevant issues and topics of interest in the lives of teenagers.